Social Media Marketing

People spend over two hours a day on social media. Get your brand in front of them.

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Build Audiences or Hypertarget Existing Ones

Social media marketing represents a great opportunity to put content into the world, gain followers and improve brand awareness. It is often a long game that requires a great amount of creativity. It can be extremely difficult.

Luckily, social media platforms offers a series of strategies that can be used to improve the conversion rates among customers already in your sales funnel. Remarketing a product to someone who has viewed it on your website is one of the most cost effective ways to increase conversions in all of marketing. Taking audiences from expensive platforms like LinkedIn and targeting them on cheaper platforms like Facebook is another winning technique.

Our only goal for our social media clients is to build a winning strategy that leverages your brand and your products in front of the right audience at the right time.

Social Media Strategy

We can help you to get noticed by potential customers by selecting the right social media channels to broadcast relevant and captivating content. By consistently supplying content that resonates with your audience we help to position you or your company as the expert in your industry.

Competitor Analysis
Social Media Asset Creation
Social Media Video Creation
Multi-Channel Broadcasting
Facebook Remarketing
Catalogue & Product Remarketing
Demographic Targeting

Social Media Marketing Process

Once we have identified the right mix of content strategy we can either train you to do it for yourself or work with you to help overcome some of the more challenging tasks.

Set things up
Well branded channels on the relevant social media platforms are a good start. Remarketing cookies on your website as well as social sharing metadata on your blog posts is even better. 
Research the competition
What types of content are your competitors producing? On which channels? How well is it doing? What can we do better?
Implement and iterate
Whether it's a social broadcasting package, social advertising or both we'll implement a strategy and review it and tweak it based on performance.

Featured Case Study

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How one small retailer got over £12m in customer enquiries with Search


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